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Independent Living: Supporting the cause and bringing Albania closer to EU standards

With the support of Open Society Foundation for Albania (OSFA), Together Foundation implemented successfully for about six months, the project that aimed to promote the right to Independent Living for persons with disabilities and advocated for the measures that need to be taken so that Independent Living becomes a reality for persons with disabilities in Albania.

This initiative took place in three important cities: Tirana, Durres and Elbasan.


The results of the initiative:


  • An important component of this initiative was the translation and publishing in Albanian of some materials of the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL), on Independent Living, Personal Assistance and Myths about Independent Living.


  • The main activity of this initiative was the organisation of a roundtable in the framework of the European Independent Living Day, which was held on September 7, 2019. In this roundtable there were participants from the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Municipality of Tirana and that of Elbasan, from the European Union Delegation in Albania and representatives of national and international organisations. Through this roundtable, there were made clear the challenges that persons with disabilities face in order to live in their communities such as lack of accessibility, no personal assistant, lack of assistive devices, etc. The recommendations of the roundtable were shared with all the participants and public institutions.


  • The third component was that of education and information through trainings with disability organisations in Durres, Tirana and Elbasan on Independent Living as a philosophy and also the legal provisions that are guarantee it, such as the Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Law 93/2014 “On the social inclusion and accessibility of persons with disabilities”. “Për përfshirjen sociale dhe aksesueshmёrinё e personave me aftësi të kufizuara”.


Through the media, we have tried to bring into the attention of the public at large, the challenges that persons with disabilities face in order to live in their communities just as the other citizens.


With the support of Open Society Foundation for Albania, this initiative strengthened the Independent Living movement of persons with disabilities.


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