Thirrje e hapur për Vullnetarë: Monitorimi i Zgjedhjeve Parlamentare 2021 në Qarkun e Durrësit

Fondacioni “Së Bashku” po zbaton projektin “Vota e personave me aftësi të kufizuar vlen!”, pjesë e skemës për subgrantime e cila realizohet në kuadër të projektit “Unë marr pjesë! Zëri im, vota ime vlen”, zbatuar nga Komiteti Shqiptar i Helsinkit, në partneritet me Civil Rights Defenders dhe Instituti për Studime Politike dhe mbështetur financiarisht nga Bashkimi Europian.

Kjo nismë ka një qasje të dyfishtë:

  • Së pari, synon të fuqizojë organizatat e personave me aftësi të kufizuar dhe aktivistët për të drejtën e tyre për të votuar dhe për të qenë proaktiv në monitorimin e kësaj të drejte para, gjatë dhe pas ditës së zgjedhjeve dhe të ndikojë në axhendën e partive politike dhe kandidatëve
  • Së dyti, synon të rrisë ndërgjegjësimin në komunitetin e personave me aftësi të kufizuar për të ushtruar të drejtën e tyre për të votuar.

Kjo nismë zbatohet në Qarkun e Durrësit. Nëpërmjet kësaj nisme do të monitorojmë ushtrimin e të drejtës së votës nga personat me aftësi të kufizuara ditën e votimeve dhe aksesueshmërinë në qendrat e votimit. Gjithashtu, do të monitorojmë diskursin publik të kandidatëve, për të vërejtur përfshirjen e çështjeve të aftësisë së kufizuar në to. Gjetjet do të përfshihen në dy raporte drejtuar të gjitha palëve të interesit, duke përmbledhur rekomandime për proceset e ardhëshme elektorale.

Persona që dëshirojnë të jenë pjesë e kësaj nisme, luten të na kontaktojnë përmes email: [email protected] apo rrjeteve sociale Facebook ose Instagram Fondacioni Se Bashku brenda dates 25 mars 2021.

Shënim: Nga kjo thirrje, inkurajohen dhe mbështeten, duke u dhënë prioritet të gjithë personave me aftësi të kufizuara të angazhohen në këtë nisëm. Personat që janë anëtarë apo angazhohen me ndonjë parti politike nuk do të pranohen për të qenë pjesë e iniciativës.

Pozicion Vakant Pune | Produksion Video

Post Title: Video production

Location: Remote (including traveling to Durres)

Duration of Assignment: Lump Sum per product (within 2 months)

Type of Contract: Service contract (Individual/Company)

Application deadline: 08 – February – 2021



Together Foundation is initiating an empowerment project for persons with disabilities on the right to vote in the Parliamentary Election in 2021. Persons with disabilities often by documents and by public opinion are considered as the most vulnerable community facing strong prejudices, stigmatisation and discrimination. Because of this, according to the report of Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities disabled persons are excluded from decisions making because of accessibility matters related to polling stations and voting materials.[1]  and often persons with disabilities remain hidden for the society. The right to vote is a very significant means for the public to express its will and to shape the society we want. It is a very good opportunity for persons with disabilities to make up their minds and exercise their essential right to vote which will bring them closer to becoming part of decisions about social programmes concerning them and a more inclusive future society.


This initiative has a twofold aim:

  • To empower organisations of persons with disabilities and disability rights’ activists about their right to vote and be proactive in monitoring its implementation before, during and after the Election Day and influence the agenda of political parties and candidates.
  • It aims to raise awareness among the community of persons with disabilities to exercise their right to vote


This initiative targets the municipality of Durres and the main its activities comprise cooperating with DPOs in drafting a manifesto and introducing it to political parties and candidates, monitoring accessibility in the polling stations on the election day and the public discourse of the candidates on disability issues whenever present, and, finally, to prepare two policy briefs with all the findings for the municipality of Durres so that it can serve as a guideline for future electoral processes.


This project is carried out in the frame of a sub-grants scheme “I participate! My voice, my vote counts” with financial support by the European Union implemented by the Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) in partnership with Civil Rights Defenders (CRD) and Institute for Political Studies (ISP).


Scope of work

The purpose of this assignment is the production of a video to raise awareness of the right to vote for persons with disabilities in the parliamentary elections in 2021. The content and the script will be discussed between the project team and producer. The material will be used for advocacy and broadcasted internally (during the foundation’s meeting) and with the public through our media channels.



  • One full video production for around 5 minutes.
  • Prepare 6 mini-spots (sequences from the video) (15 seconds per each) with significant messages.
  • The producer should present a scenario to project team and reflect on their feedback and recommendations.
  • The producer should present a first draft within 3 weeks from selected and reflect any feedback given.
  • The producer will be responsible to put on the video the project logos.
  • Prepare the video in Albanian languages and with English subtitles.
  • The producer will be responsible for copyrights of all mean included in this video.


Required Skills and Experience

  • University degree in field of multimedia or related disciplines.
  • Proven track in video productions and at least 3 years of relevant experiences.
  • Creativity and artistic skills are an asset.
  • Experience in covering Social and Humanitarian subjects is an asset.
  • Experience with Civil Society and Activism is an asset.
  • Experience with Disability matters is an advantage.
  • Full professional working knowledge, written and spoken, of English and Albanian is required.


Application Procedure

Interested candidates/companies are requested to apply no later than 08.02.2021 by submitting a letter of Interest and a list of previous works for this assignment via email [email protected]

[1] Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Concluding observations on the initial report of Albania, 14 October 2019

Pozicion Vakant Pune | Ekspert Monitorimi dhe Vlerësimi

Post Title: Monitoring and Evaluation specialist

Location: Tirana/remote (with possibility of traveling to Durres)

Duration of Assignment: 20 days (within 5 months)

Type of Contract: Service contract

Application deadline: 01 – February – 2021



Together Foundation is initiating an empowerment project for persons with disabilities on the right to vote in the Parliamentary Election in 2021. Persons with disabilities often by documents and by public opinion are considered as the most vulnerable community facing strong prejudices, stigmatisation and discrimination. Because of this, according to the report of Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities disabled persons are excluded from decisions making because of accessibility matters related to polling stations and voting materials.[1]  and often persons with disabilities remain hidden for the society. The right to vote is a very significant means for the public to express its will and to shape the society we want. It is a very good opportunity for persons with disabilities to make up their minds and exercise their essential right to vote which will bring them closer to becoming part of decisions about social programmes concerning them and a more inclusive future society.


This initiative has a twofold aim:

  • To empower organisations of persons with disabilities and disability rights’ activists about their right to vote and be proactive in monitoring its implementation before, during and after the Election Day and influence the agenda of political parties and candidates.
  • It aims to raise awareness among the community of persons with disabilities to exercise their right to vote


This initiative targets the municipality of Durres and the main its activities comprise cooperating with DPOs in drafting a manifesto and introducing it to political parties and candidates, monitoring accessibility in the polling stations on the election day and the public discourse of the candidates on disability issues whenever present, and, finally, to prepare two policy briefs with all the findings for the municipality of Durres so that it can serve as a guideline for future electoral processes.


This project is carried out in the frame of a sub-grants scheme “I participate! My voice, my vote counts” with financial support by the European Union implemented by the Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) in partnership with Civil Rights Defenders (CRD) and Institute for Political Studies (ISP).


Scope of work

The Monitoring and Evaluation specialist in collaboration with Together Foundation and under the supervision of project manager will be responsible to develop a methodology to monitor the exercising of the right to vote for persons with disabilities, including indicators for measuring accessibility and the inclusion in political parties’/candidates’ programs and public speeches of issues concerning Persons with Disabilities, and to prepare two policy briefs on such topics.



  • An inception report related to the monitoring processes and preparation of policy briefs, including the methodology, work plan and timeline for implementation.
  • Prepare 2 policy briefs drafts, In Albanian related to a) accessibility matters for persons with disabilities and b) inclusion matters to political parties/candidates’ programs, both of these to be discussed with project team (and relevant stockholders if necessary) and reflect comments/suggestions to the final version.
  • Participate in a final presentation with stakeholders/institutions consulting the findings and discussions.
  • Prepare two presentations in Albanian, of the polices including the analyses of these policy briefs, methodology, findings, recommendations and other relevant sessions.
  • Submit final documents to the project team.
  • Submit a final narrative report in English including main results, feedback on the process, lessons learned, challenges and recommendations for the futures.



  • Demonstrates integrity and ethical standards
  • Displays sensitivity for diversity and a culture of understanding
  • Ability to fairly contribute in monitoring of the project and complete the deliveries on time
  • Ability to keep good relationships with organization and partners
  • Organize and accurately complete multiple tasks by establishing priorities and respect deadlines
  • Deep knowledge of monitoring and evaluation tools
  • Excellent communication skills, written and oral
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and positivity
  • Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of others
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities
  • Respond positively to critical feedback and different point of views


Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced university degree in social sciences or related disciplines.
  • At least 7 years of relevant experiences (monitoring and evaluation) is required.
  • Experience in designing tools and strategies for data collection and analyses.
  • Experience on writing policy documents, research papers and orientation files.
  • Good knowledge of Analyses Software’s.
  • Capacities to work independently and in group
  • Familiarity with social inclusion, including disability issues and experience with partnerships.
  • Hands-on experience with monitoring implementation of disability rights and coordinating responses to disability issues is an asset.
  • Full professional working knowledge, written and spoken, of English and Albanian is required.


Application Procedure

Qualified and interested candidates are requested to apply no later than 01.02.2021 by submitting a CV and a letter of interest via email [email protected].

[1] Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Concluding observations on the initial report of Albania, 14 October 2019

Pozicion Vakant Pune | Menaxher Komunikimi dhe i Rrjeteve Sociale

Post Title: Communication and Social Media Manager

Location: Tirana, Albania

Duration of Assignment: 9 months

Type of Contract: Service contract

Application deadline: 30-December -2020



Together Foundation is initiating an empowerment project for persons with disabilities on the right to vote in the Parliamentary Election in 2021. Persons with disabilities often by documents and by public opinion are considered as the most vulnerable community facing strong prejudices, stigmatisation and discrimination. Because of this, the reports say that disabled persons are excluded from decisions making and sometime considered hidden persons for the society. The right to vote is a very significant mean for the public to express its will and to shape the society we want. It is a very good chance for persons with disabilities to make their mind and show up on the election station, not just as exercising an essential right but by using this opportunity they will decide for the social programs they want, the future development and to have a more inclusive society. The vote of persons with disabilities counts.


This initiative has a twofold approach:

  • It aims to empower organisations of persons with disabilities and activists on their right to vote and be proactive in monitoring this right before, during and after the Election Day and influence the agenda of political parties and candidates.
  • It aims to raise awareness among the community of persons with disabilities to exercise their right to vote


This initiative targets the municipality of Durres and through our activities, aims to strengthen the capacities of local disability organisations on electoral rights for persons with disabilities and to cooperate with them in drafting a manifesto and introducing it to political parties and candidates, monitoring accessibility in the polling stations on the election day and the public discourse of the candidates whether disability is included, and finally to prepare 2 policy briefs with all the findings for the municipality of Durres so that it can serve as a guideline for future electoral processes.


This project is on the frame of sub-grants scheme call “I participate! My voice, my vote counts.” funded by the European Union under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) and implemented by the Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) in partnership with Civil Rights Defenders (CRD) and Institute for Political Studies (ISP).


Scope of work

The communication and social media manager in close collaboration with the project team will be responsible for preparation and implementation of a visibility and communication plan and assuring to run an awareness campaign in accordance with project activities and the aim of the project. He/She will help develop content and post materials on each channel owned by the Foundation based on a plan designed with the supervision of project manager.




  • Develop a social media strategy and action plan of project communication;
  • Advertise the campaign through different social media (mainly FB);
  • Respond to posts or comments to bring value to user’s and proactive interactions on project related topics;
  • Liaise with the team providing regular updates and seeking its input, advice and authorization to proceed;
  • Research articles, stories, or other content that is relevant to the project and post periodically;
  • Manage the creative side and analytics side of campaigns and demonstrate this through results;
  • Ensure the compliance of ethical and confidentiality and other sensitive issues of the project and persons;
  • Promote participation including disability matters and the diversability of information (whenever possible);
  • Monitor adherence to specified deadlines;
  • Actively monitor the campaign and social inclusion components;



  • Demonstrates integrity and ethical standards
  • Displays sensitivity for diversity and a culture of understanding
  • Ability to fairly contribute in the implementation and monitoring of projects
  • Ability to build strong relationships with partners
  • Seeks and applies knowledge, information and inclusive practices
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and positivity
  • Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of others.
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities


Required Skills and Experience

  • University degree in communication field (journalism, public relations) or any related field.
  • Familiarity and facility with mainstream social media platforms.
  • Ability to create, compose and edit written materials.
  • Ability to write simply with a conversational style (including diversity matters).
  • Fluency to work in English and Albanian is required.
  • Knowledge and experiences on disability issues and human rights are an advantage.
  • Experiences with NGOs/DPOs are desirable.
  • Experiences with election matters, an asset.
  • Experiences in monitoring processes, an asset.


Application Procedure

Qualified and interested candidates are requested to apply no later than 30.12.2020 by submitting a CV and a motivation letter via email fondacioni[email protected]  the shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.